How to Grow Your Social Media Following

December 1, 2022

How to Grow Your Social Media Following


In this day and age, social media is such a powerful tool that your business would be at a disadvantage without it. It’s what draws in new clients and keeps them up to date on your products and services. It’s a form of personalized two-way connection with your audience that can be hard to match with traditional advertising. In this blog, we’ll go through a few best practices in order to continuously grow your social media following through the quality of your content.


Link your content together.


As a primary step, take measures to connect your social media platforms together. Link your social media back to your website, and have your website link back to your social media. You can also employ the use of third party websites where you can create a landing page of links and websites alike.


Specialize your content based on the platform.


Each platform has their own strengths and weaknesses. Create content accordingly. For example, Instagram does not provide clickable links. If you’re a charity, for example, this may not be the best way to promote a donation link. Instead, post the link through a platform like Facebook and use Instagram’s visual strengths to display photos of a recent event or fundraiser.


Give your content a purpose in the eyes of your audience.


In order to become effective across your given media, you must first work to attract the attention of your target audience. This can include past, present and future clients of your business. In order to do this, we would suggest boosting successful posts and using the various integrated marketing tools to spread your messaging to prospective followers. Though this can be an effective method to grow your audience, be careful not to use your media solely to advertise your business. After all, you wouldn’t want your feed littered with ads either.


Be intentional with your content.


Make sure there is strong “why” reasoning behind the information you give your audience. Why should they listen, and why to your content? Why post this now, and why not a few months from now? Relevancy is crucial with the complex nature of social media. If your posts aren’t relevant, your audience could lose interest and begin to unfollow.


Another great way to keep your content relevant and intentional is the use of a CTA, or “Call to Action”. This simply means content that evokes a response or action from your audience. It can drive leads, sales, or create a sense of community that strengthens the relationship between you and your followers. For example: “Follow for more content!” or “Comment down below!”


Consider delegating the management of your social media.


It’s no secret, social media can be complicated. You don’t want to spend so much time creating content that it affects the productivity of your business. This is why it can be a smart decision to either hire a social media manager, or delegate your social media responsibilities to a third party agency, like us! If you’re curious about our variety of services, feel free to reach out. Also consider checking out our shop for content packages and more information.


We can help you with every aspect of your business or just parts of your business. That is what is great about what we do, we are here to help with whatever you need help with. There are no minimums and we will bill by the minute for the tasks you ask us to do.