Why You Need To Be Investing in Digital Marketing

December 13, 2021

Small businesses often rely on classic forms of advertising like word of mouth, print and radio but digital marketing allows you to extend your reach.

There’s a few aspects of digital marketing that make it stand out from its marketing counterparts:

  • It allows you to directly interact with your customers & potential prospects
  • It allows you to reach people from all around the world
  • More cost-effective than traditional marketing methods
  • Measurable 

Now all of the points listed above are true, but understanding how to implement them can be overwhelming and stressful. The digital world is about consistency and quality. Regardless of the platform, whether it be Instagram, Facebook, Youtube or LinkedIn, the businesses that flourish with the use of social media follow those two magic words: consistency and quality. 

I love to compare social media to my kids. If I ask my kids to do their homework every day after school for three months, after the three months they’ll likely know what is expected of them. If I remind them here and there, they’ll likely forget. This is just like social media, if you only post content when you remember, it won’t bring any real measurable benefits to your business. It needs to be consistent. This means only commit to the platforms you will actually use. 

Let’s look at Facebook specifically. They are a leader in the digital marketing world. They are constantly updating and adding features, to ensure small businesses have the ability to reach more customers. Here are just a few of the new tools they have added to their marketing mix since Apple recently announced changes to their users' data collection. (Link our article about Apple to the Apple word in red.)

  • Facebook shops
  • More buttons (these allow your audience to be transported to your website, email, etc.)
  • Messaging updates
  • Mobile-first 
  • Appointment bookings & calendars

These tools will allow you to better integrate your business into the multibillion-dollar social platform.

Just remember to only commit to the platforms you’re actually going to use and if you can’t commit to any, consider letting us run your social platforms. We'll ensure growth while saving you time.


We can help you with every aspect of your business or just parts of your business. That is what is great about what we do, we are here to help with whatever you need help with. There are no minimums and we will bill by the minute for the tasks you ask us to do.